Alpha Protocol

The Worst RPGs of All Time?

After commenting on Matt Barton’s top 10 of best CRPGs, Rampant Games’ Jay Barnson wrote a brief piece to do likewise with Matt’s top 10 of the worst ones. He notes that he mostly avoided the titles listed due to…

Matt Barton’s Top Ten Worst CRPGs

After telling us his 10 favorite CRPGs, Matt Barton proceeds to give the top 10 treatment to what he considers to be the worst computer role-playing games, including older titles like the infamous Descent to Undermountain, and the very recent…

Chris Avellone Interview

Yet another interview with Obsidian Entertainment creative director and RPG-developing veteran Chris Avellone has surfaced on the Internet, and this time it’s Nightmare Mode asking the questions. By far the most interesting tidbit in this Q&A is the suggestion that…

Chris Avellone Interview, Part One

The first installment to a multi-part interview with Obsidian Entertainment’s Chris Avellone is up at the Will Ooi blog (and mirrored on Gamasutra, as Willooi’s site doesn’t function for various European locations), and as is usual with MCA Q&As, it’s…

Feargus Urquhart Interview

GamesTM is hosting an interesting three-page interview with Obsidian CEO Feargus Urquhart, which tackles a variety of subjects, from Obsidian’s treatment of the Dungeon Siege IP to his opinion on Interplay’s Fallout Online, touching upon things like Obsidian’s proprietary engine,…

Top 5 Most Wanted Unlikely RPG Sequels

The editors at GameRanx have put together a top five of unlikely sequels to role-playing games that they’d nonetheless like to see. Unsurprisingly, many of the titles listed would probably pique the interest of our readers, like a single player…

An Open Letter to Obsidian Entertainment

The Escapist’s Russ Pitts editorializes on Obsidian Entertainment and their long history with bugs, coming to a rather harsh conclusion. I know this all comes as a shock. I wish I could put it more gently, but the fact is…

Chris Avellone Interview

Spanish videogame blog Nuevebits has published a very interesting article/interview with Obsidian’s creative director and co-founder Chris Avellone about Alpha Protocol, and luckily for us they have an English version too. The design decisions concerning the narrative, the game’s reception…

Obsidian: We Would Make Alpha Protocol 2

NowGamer continues to reveal snippets of Play’s interview with Obsidian CEO Feargus Urquhart, the latest concerning the possibility of a sequel to Alpha Protocol and its reception. Here’s what Obsidian’s CEO had to say about an eventual Alpha Protocol 2:…

Annie VanderMeer Mitsoda Interview

ArenaNet and DoubleBear designer, Annie Vandermeer Mitsoda, has been interview by mobile developer Geraldo Nascimento on his blog. Among the themes tackled are her previous work for Obsidian Entertainment on Alpha Protocol and Neverwinter Nights 2 and its Storm of…