Alpha Protocol

Alpha Protocol Previews and Screenshots

Those of us looking forward to Obsidian Entertainment’s Alpha Protocol have a couple more previews and four more screenshots to take in this weekend. The first preview is at Gaming Union: What isn’t expected is an action/reaction system very similar…

Alpha Protocol “Developing Your Skills” Trailer

SEGA and Obsidian Entertainment continue to churn out new Alpha Protocol trailers, with today’s footage covering the use and development of the game’s stealth, martial arts, assault rifle, and pistol talents. The anticipation builds:

Alpha Protocol Combat System and Weapon Details

Obsidian Entertainment’s Facebook page is pointing to a “surveillance operation on Alpha Protocol’s weapons and combat system” over at CVG, with an additional feature on the game’s gadgets and gizmos promised for tomorrow. On combat-oriented character perks: Naturally as you…

Chris Avellone Interview

Since the original article is in French, Obsidian Entertainment’s Chris Avellone has published the English version of an interview he recently did for foreign website Polygamer. Alas, what could have been: 8] Tell us about one or several of your…

Alpha Protocol Preview

1UP also managed to get their hands on a pre-release build of Alpha Protocol, and have since wrangled up a two-page preview. To present us with something a little different, though, they cover the game’s first couple of hours from…

Alpha Protocol Preview

Fragland is offering up a quick preview of Alpha Protocol this weekend, thanks to some recent hands-on time they were able to spend with Obsidian’s espionage RPG. Having conversations is typical for RPGs and so are the choices of classes…

Alpha Protocol DRM FAQ Now Available

Apparently a lot of questions have come up since we learned that SEGA will be utilizing Uniloc’s SoftAnchor DRM for Alpha Protocol, as the company’s official blog is now featuring a FAQ to help address any concerns. For the sake…

Alpha Protocol Preview

After spending a few days with a pre-release build of Alpha Protocol, the editors at G4 have whipped up a quick hands-on preview. On character perks, mission structure, and dialogue system: Working hand-in-hand with Thorton’s abilities are the perks he…

Alpha Protocol iPod Touch Giveaway

If you’re in the market for an iPod Touch and wouldn’t mind if it’s “decked out with Alpha Protocol goodness”, you should stop by Destructoid and let them know which of the recent “intelligence synopsis” trailers featured the Sizzle House…