Aion Classic Warrior Class

If you’re looking to tank, you’ve come to the right class. While other Aion Classic classes have the ability to generate Enmity, and can tank for brief periods of time, Warriors reign supreme in Atreia when it comes to soaking damage. The Templar sub-class is the game’s premier tank, while the Gladiator provides more melee DPS at the expense of some defensive abilities and attributes.

Warrior Characteristics

Base Stats


Base Equipment

ArmorsCloth / Leather / Chain / Shields
WeaponsSwords / Maces
Icon SkillLevelDescriptionSourceRequired Equipment
return aion skillReturn1Returns to the bind point.Auto Learn
bandage heal aion skillsBandage Heal1Uses 1 bandage to recover your HP by 178.
The effect of the skill may be increased by character level, equipment, and other bonuses.
Auto Learn
basic mace training aion skillsBasic Mace Training1Allows you to use maces.Auto Learn
basic sword training aion skillsBasic Sword Training1Allows you to use swords.Auto Learn
basic clothing proficiency aion skillBasic Clothing Proficiency1Allows you to wear clothing. A skill to be proud of.Auto Learn
basic cloth armor proficiency aion skillsBasic Cloth Armor Proficiency1Allows you to wear cloth armor.Auto Learn
basic leather armor proficiency aion skillsBasic Leather Armor Proficiency1Allows you to wear leather armor.Auto Learn
basic chain armor proficiency aion skillsBasic Chain Armor Proficiency1Allows you to wear chain armor.Auto Learn
basic shield training aion skillsBasic Shield Training1Allows you to use shields.Auto Learn
boost physical attack i aion skillsBoost Physical Attack I1Boosts Physical Attack power.
The effect of the skill may be modified by character level, equipment, and other bonuses.
Auto Learn
ferocious strike i aion skillsFerocious Strike I1Inflicts 39-43 physical damage on the target.
Chain Skill Level 1.
The effect of the skill may be modified by character level, equipment, and other bonuses.
Auto LearnAvailable when equipped with a close-range weapon
robust blow i aion skillsRobust Blow I3Inflicts 48-52 physical damage on the target.
Chain skill 2:
Ferocious Strike — Robust Blow
The effect of the skill may be modified by character level, equipment, and other bonuses.
Skill BookAvailable when equipped with a close-range weapon
shield defense i aion skillsShield Defense I3Increase your shield defense by 500, Physical Defense by 10%, and Stun Resist value by 500. The skill becomes disabled if another skill is used. You cannot jump while the skill is in effect.
Active Skill.
The effect of the skill may be modified by character level, equipment, and other bonuses.
Skill BookAvailable when equipped with a shield.
weakning severe blow 1 aion skillsWeakening Severe Blow I5 Inflicts 27-31 physical damage on the target, and decreases its Physical Defense by 100 for 6 seconds.
The effect of the skill may be modified by character level, equipment, and other bonuses.
Skill BookAvailable when equipped with a close-range weapon
boost hp i aion skillsBoost HP I5Increases Max HP by 3% and HP Recovery Rate by 4.
The effect of the skill may be modified by character level, equipment, and other bonuses.
Skill Book
rage i aion skillsRage I7Increases your Physical Attack power by 9 for 10 seconds, and forms a protective shield that absorbs up to 98 damage.
Chain Skill Level 2:
Ferocious Strike — Rage
The effect of the skill may be modified by character level, equipment, and other bonuses.
Skill Book
shield counter i aion skillsShield Counter I9When Shield Defense is successful, inflicts 73-77 physical damage on the target by bashing it with the shield, and stuns it temporarily.
The effect of the skill may be modified by character level, equipment, and other bonuses.
Skill BookAvailable when equipped with a shield.
boost parry i aion skillsBoost Parry I9Increases your parry rate. Skill Book

Warrior Ascension Classes

Once you hit level 9, you’ll need to choose between the two Warrior specialized sub-classes. There’s no going back, so make your decision carefully.


warrior class gladiator cropped 1

The Gladiator sub-class can work as an off-tank, but is more DPS focused than the Templar. Gladiator can use most weapons, and likes to be in the frontlines wreaking havoc. Two-handed weapon specialists, Gladiators are adept at taking down multiple enemies at once with broad sweeping attacks. Notably, they are the only class with access to Polearms.

ArmorsCloth / Leather / Chain / Plate / Shields
WeaponsSwords / Maces / Daggers / Greatswords / Bows / Polearms
RoleSingle-target DPS, AOE DPS, Off-tank


aion class warrior templar cropped

The Templar is the game’s tank. Unlike the Gladiator, the Templar’s focus is on protecting their party. While they can utilize a greatsword when they need to deal some damage, most of the time a Templar will have a shield in hand, soaking damage and CCing enemies.

ArmorsCloth / Leather / Chain / Plate / Shields
WeaponsSwords / Maces / Greatswords
RoleMain tank, Crowd Control
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Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.

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