World of Warcraft Trading Card Game Details has published a few preliminary details about Blizzard and Upper Deck’s newly announced World of Warcraft Trading Card game. Apparently the cards will even offer some interaction with the MMORPG:

Brian Hacker, former Shaman King TCG designer, is the lead designer for the game and is working hand in hand with Blizzard to capture the feeling of emersion that the online version offers its 3 million plus subscribers. Upper Deck is looking at having special silver foil cards in packs that once scratched off, like a lottery ticket, could reveal a special code. The various codes then can be used online to add special appearance alterations/changes, to online player characters. They are even going as far as too look at having resource pools to collect from every purchase, much like collecting bear pelts or spider legs in the online game, which can be redeemed for special alterations to player characters.

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