World of Warcraft Tips of the Week #27

RPG Vault is offering up some additional advice to aid you in your travels through Blizzard’s World of Warcraft. The twenty-seventh installment discusses playing a Dwarf and what equipment to use as a Hunter. A paragraph to follow:

Should you decide to play a Dwarf, you’ll be able to choose among five classes. My impression is that Hunter and Warrior are the most popular. In the former case, this seems natural given the above-noted gun skill bonus. As for the latter, many feel the race is the best option within the Alliance quartet. If you want to create a Paladin, a Dwarf starts with a fair bit more health and only one point less mana. Priest and Rogue are the other possibilities; based on hearsay only, both appear to be viable but not exceptional. For those who prefer to adventure in groups, the Dwarf Warrior is certainly worth considering, while the Hunter may be the preferred alternative for going it alone.

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