World of Warcraft Reviews

Blizzard’s World of Warcraft continues to be the subject of positive reviews, with two more reaching the web over the past few days. The first is at The Jaded Gamer with an overall score of 94%:

For long time fans of Warcraft, you’re already playing this and totally satisfied. For everyone else, I’ll be waiting for you on one side of the Great Sea.

And the second is at Quandary with an overall score of 5/5:

In fact, apart from the world itself, the great attraction of World of Warcraft for me is the community. Making friends and helping each other out is especially enjoyable. You can arrange to meet with friends, or make up a party, or join a guild when more experienced players will offer good advice, and even help your puny character improve their lot. You can also chat casually with strangers and have a laugh, especially if they dare to kick your spider. Although the one thing I have noted, my tiny Gnome Mage as been challenged to dozens more duels in half the time than my tall, sturdy Dark Elf Hunter … wonder why?

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