Top 5 Best Games At E3 2016

The big press events at E3 have come and gone, so now is the time to reflect on my personal top 5 favorite games shown at E3. All games listed below are ones we saw presented to us in some fashion or another.

1: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Wii U/NX)

The first game on my top 5 list has to be The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. This is a game many a Nintendo fan have been looking forward to since it was first shown off back in 2014. It has been delayed twice now, but it is hitting store shelves sometime next year. The open world gameplay, survival elements, and very much non hand holding Zelda title is looking pretty awesome! Expect to see it more coverage on this title as more news is given!

2: God of War (PS4)

Finally after all these years we get a new God of War title! It is coming to the PS4 sometime in the near future. It is based on Norse Mythology this time, though. Kratos looks older and still as badass as ever. It appears he also has a child with him. Could it be his own, or someone else’s?  The gameplay has changed up as well, as it seems the button mashing is gone. It could be added in during final production, and we will have to wait and see. This one is landing number 2 on the top 5 list.

3: ReCore (Xbox One, Windows 10)

The middle spot on the top 5 list is going to ReCore. This has been another game on my personal wishlist to get for my Xbox One. It’s made by Keiji Inafune of Megaman fame, along with the makers of Metroid Prime. It seems it’s packed with action, adventure, and of course robots! It is coming out on September 13th, and I cannot wait. Robot dog companions are just as loyal as actual dogs too according to this game.

4: Titanfall 2 (Xbox One)

Aaaah yes, a sequel to Titanfall. It’s nice to be able to fight some big titans yet again. The first title was rather enjoyable in my opinion, and it was worth the price at launch to me. It is coming out October 28th of this year, so expect to join up in some multiplayer action goodness! It’s nice to see this game get a sequel, and I know a lot of friends who enjoyed it despite the reviews, giving it the number 4 spot on my top 5.

5: Mass Effect: Andromeda

Wrapping up the top 5 list, we get a new Mass Effect title finally as well. Though it has nothing to do with Commander Shepard from the first three titles of the series. Do not expect a sequel to their story, but instead someone else’s. An official EA Play video was shown off at E3 showing more stuff we have not seen before. As long as the combat system and story are good, I am officially sold on this game.

What were some of your favorite video games shown off this year at E3? Lemme know in the comments below!

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Dustin F
Dustin F

Dustin has been a gamer since the Super Nintendo era, and has gamed ever since. He also likes anime/manga, music, some sports, and movies. His favorite genres are RPG, action adventure, sports, and various other genres.

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