The Top 5 Most Irritating RPG Protagonists

A list of “the top 5 most irritating RPG protagonists” has surfaced over at 1UP, though you probably won’t recognize any of them unless you play a lot of JRPGs. The silent one:

The most annoying thing about the mute RPG star is that there are just so many of them; and at this point in videogame-narrative history, it’s beginning to feel a little cheap. With this approach, all a developer has to do is create an acceptable avatar, hang a lantern on the fact that he won’t be flapping his gums, and forget about complicated things like personality and character development. And most of the time, it feels a little wrong; countless RPG babes have fallen head over heels for the strong-but-completely-silent type, which doesn’t really pan out in the real world. In the end, we may just feel a little sorry for these characters cursed with the inability to speak; recent playthroughs of Chrono Trigger only serve to remind us of a certain main character who doesn’t even have the power to protest his own wrongful death sentence.

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