The Matrix Online Producer Letter

Warner Brothers’ official The Matrix Online website has been updated with a new community letter penned by producer Andrew Kaplan. In it, Andrew outlines the changes being made to the game now that Sony Online is in charge, upcoming content additions, and more. A snip:

The development team is hard at work, planning, prototyping and testing new systems and enhancements to the existing systems. This is our opportunity to take what makes The Matrix Online great and expand on those ideas to make it even better. There are no “sacred cows”, if it’s not fun then it’s our job to make it fun!

Soon you will get your first taste of Pandora’s Box. You also will continue to see story mission updates. In terms of game systems, on the top of our list is Combat, Archetypes, End-Game content and New-Player experience. In addition to fixing bugs that are standing in the way of our “fun factor”, we are considering some significant changes that will breathe new life into the world.

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