The Lord of The Rings Online – 13th Anniversary Update and Looking Ahead

Standing Stone Games’ long-running MMORPG The Lord of The Rings Online is currently celebrating the 13th anniversary of its release, which means those of you with a Premium or VIP status are eligible for an assortment of in-game rewards that include cosmetics, mounts, and consumables.

On top of that, the game has recently received a fresh content update that adds a new dwarf-focused story line and the “Mists of Wilderland” quest pack, along with a good deal of fixes and balance improvements. You can find the patch notes over here. But if you’re more interested in what the future holds for this venerable MMO, you should check out this official forums post that offers a quick summary. Have a look:

Hi folks,

if you missed it: SSG announced big news about the future of LOTRO on PAX East 2020:

  • Summer in LotRO will focus on the wedding of Aragorn and Arwen
  • New theme of orcs vs dwarves: The Legacy of Durin and the Trial of the Dwarves (is this the new “epic book”?)
  • Two big updates in 2020 in this story Leads into a Gundabad-themed expansion in spring 2021
  • New content coming later this year: 1 endgame, the other scaling content called Missions so capped and lower-level characters can play together
  • Rohan housing will include stables so you can show off your favorite mounts Rohan housing due when Helm’s Deep is released on Legendary Servers
  • Maybe new (types of) legendary servers (maybe SOA only or hardcore league like in DDO or standard legendary worlds)
  • Legendary item revamp is in concept state and will probably change the system into a “more relic based system” – nobody will loose its progression, revamp will take more time, maybe 2020, maybe 2021
  • There will be short term “fixes” for legendary items to give us more options to gain scrolls of empowerment
  • We will see two big interviews with SSG in the near future to get more details about the announcement
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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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