The Iron Oath Update #49 – Combat Sequence

What looks to be this year’s final development update for Curious Panda’s turn-based RPG The Iron Oath shares a quick progress report, a few sample icons and enemy animations, and a roughly two and a half minute long video that showcases a sample combat encounter. Let’s start with that:

And here are the text bits:

Hello backers! As mentioned last time around, our November wrap-up is going to be a short one, but we’ve not come empty-handed! We realized that it’s been a while since we’ve shown a gameplay video, so we figured we’d share a small dialogue & combat sequence with you[…]

We’ve been working on a variety of things this past month such as new enemies, new status and damage type icons (shown below, not reflected yet in the video above), new application effects for conditions, with the biggest task being the implementation of the Camping feature. We can’t share any visuals of it yet as it hasn’t been skinned but you’ll see it in a few months time and we’ll talk about it in-depth then.

Lastly, here are the idle animations for some of our recently completed demon enemies, animated by @rafaelborven. We’ll be sharing their ability animations over the coming weeks via Twitter and Facebook[…]

Our next update will likely come after New Year’s, so in the meantime we hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a fantasic Holiday season 🙂

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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