The BioWare Dilemma

Warcry has published an article entitled “The BioWare Dilemma”, in which they speculate as to why the Star Wars: KotOR games possessed better storylines than the prequel movies. While I thought Revenge of the Sith was far better than the first two movies, there is no disagreeing that they were “kiddie-fied”:

Raven, Obsidian, and Bioware did it better than Lucas, and they didn’t even need James Earl Jones. How’d they do it? Outside of the oft-complained (Lucas can’t write) scapegoat, one reason is the most prominent.

The target audiences were completely different. The games were aiming for the entrenched Star Wars geek, and caused enough of an uproar to spread into the mainstream. The prequel movies didn’t have that option; there just aren’t enough Star Wars geeks to justify spending over $300 million on three space dramas. Lucas had to aim for a specific target, the children of the people who were children when the first movies debuted.

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