The 10 Franchises IGN Wants Resurrected

The editors at IGN have compiled a list of ten classic franchises they’d like to resurrected, including Planescape: Torment, Syndicate, and Wing Commander.

RPGs such as Planescape: Torment just don’t seem to get made anymore, especially ones with its style of presentation. As part of the turn of the century explosion of Infinity Engine-based Black Isle games, Torment represents some of the best writing and characterization seen in gaming. Perhaps that’s why it never rocketed to massive popularity; gamers just didn’t want to sit there and engage in deep, philosophical conversations with NPCs. Yet with such a unique and beautifully constructed setting, an unrelentingly wicked sense of humor and powerful personalities, it’s really a shame we haven’t seen a follow-up.

It doesn’t even have to be Planescape II. Instead of spending $20 million building a “next-gen” game, I’d personally like to see someone like Obsidian Entertainment take the (cheap?) Infinity Engine, add a few modernizing tweaks and better Vista support, and then kick out a couple more RPGs with it. Hell, I’d even pay a premium price for them.

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