Telepath Tactics Kickstarter Update #1, $12,066 and Counting

It’s safe to say that this time Telepath Tactics will be funded, given that its Kickstarter campaign has already raised $12,066 of its $15,000 funding goal with 31 days to go. And with that comes the first update for the new campaign, in which Sinister Design’s Craig Stern thanks the backers and announces he’s taking votes for the stretch goals:

Right! So, as of the time of writing, we’re at $10,806.00 raised for Telepath Tactics, and are 72% of the way to being fully funded. Those actually are the numbers, and that actually is crazy: it has only been one day since this campaign started! Just to put this in perspective, it took 23 days to raise that much money the first time around. We’re not just beating the curve–we’re massacring it!

In all seriousness, though, I’m really impressed and delighted by the support you’ve shown for the game so far. The past 24 hours have been wonderful for me. I’ve been working on the Telepath Tactics engine in fits and starts since 2009, then got serious about working on it a little more than a year ago. I’ve poured countless hours into getting the game to where it is, and I can’t tell you how happy I am to see people reacting so well to the project.

So, where we go from here? The answer: forward! We’re just $444 away from being 75% funded, and $4,194 away from being 100% funded. With your support, we should easily be able to hit our goal within the next few days.

But what happens after we reach the goal, you may ask? That’s up to you! I’ve sketched out a bunch of potential stretch goals right here: I’ll be taking votes on these until Monday. When we reach the base goal, I’ll take the top-voted stretch goals and make them the game’s official stretch goals. So if you want a say in what extra features Telepath Tactics gets, that’s the place to go!

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