Shadowrun Chronicles: Meet a Shadowrun Legend

The latest update to the Shadowrun Chronicles: Boston Lockdown Kickstarter page alerts us to the fact that those of us who backed the game will soon be able to log into the game and meet “the greatest of Shadowrun creative minds”, including Jordan Weisman, Mitch Gitelman, Mike Mulvihil, Jason Hardy, and other key contributors to the cyberpunk RPG franchise. Word is:

Hoi Chummers,

As promised in our Kickstarter wayyyyy back, some of you have earned the right to run with the Legends of the Shadowrun Universe. And now the time has come to allow those special backers to play side by side with the greatest of Shadowrun creative minds, so they can tell their awed friends that they actually went on a run with a true legend! Those of you who backed a tier that includes invitations to the Meet a Legend runs should have already received an invitation to the upcoming runs with further instructions (if you have backed such a tier but didn’t receive an invitation, please check your spam folders and contact us if you can’t find the message). But of course we don’t want such an occasion to be something that only has benefits for our lucky VIP backers, so our Legends will also hang around the Back Alleys of Boston for everyone to meet them.

We already have an impressive guest list lined up and hope for more to join us: From Harebrained Games come Jordan Weisman, Original Creator of Shadowrun and the masterful Shadowrun Returns series, Mitch Gitelman, the man who makes visions into reality, and Mike Mulvihil, master of story and design. From Catalyst Labs we have Jason Hardy, Shadowrun Line Editor and master of the universe of present day Shadowrun. We also have Bull, the one man roleplaying powerhouse (who now also controls Jackpoint!) and for our German players Raben AAS, long standing Shadowrun artist extraordinaire, and Tigger aka Tobias Hamelmann, the man who makes sure the German Shadowrun books are at least as good if not better than any other.

So how will this work, I hear you ask eagerly?

Well, at certain predetermined times one or two legends will join our game (see the schedule below). They will hang around in our hubs for a while and you can meet and greet them, chat with them and ask them the things you always wanted to know. Of course space in our hub is limited and after a while they will collect their runner team of VIP backers and go for a mission, so we cannot guarantee you will be able to meet them inside the hub, but you should be able to join the global chat. As we expect the events to be madly crowded, we ask for your patience – the Legend Runs will continue in the future and while you may not be able to actually be there the first time around, we ask our guests to return repeatedly!

So here’s the schedule (subject to change) and we have half a dozen more Shadowrun creative minds lined up and soon to be announced!

April 24th 3pm PDT (midnight CEST): Mitch Gitelman
May 2nd 3pm PDT (midnight CEST): Jason Hardy and Bull
May 8th 3pm PDT (midnight CEST): Jordan Weisman
May 15th 10am PDT (7pm CEST): Raben-AAS and Amy Veeres
May 22nd 3pm PDT (midnight CEST): Mike Mulvihil
May 29th 10am PDT (7pm CEST): Raben-AAS and Tigger

Please note that while we will try our best to accommodate our players, we can’t guarantee that the Legend will be present at the allotted time or answer all questions. This is a friendly gathering and we invite you all to have fun in the game with one another as much as with the Legends we invited.

Looking forward to meeting you in the Shadows,
Your Shadowrun Chronicles Team

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