RPGWatch’s RPG and MMORPG of the Year Awards

The guys over at RPGWatch have put together their picks for the best RPGs and MMORPGs released during 2008. On the RPG side of things, Fallout 3 takes first place, Mass Effect PC takes second place, and King’s Bounty: The Legend takes third place. On the MMORPG side, Warhammer Online scores first, World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King scores second, and Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures scores third. It sounds like they liked F3 more than we did:

There are many things that can be – and have been – said about Fallout 3. There is the whole controversy about Bethesda getting the rights to the franchise and producing the sequel – but that is now in the past. There are many positive qualities to the game and a host of minor and major issues as well. But regardless of what it may or may not say about the state of the RPG genre, one thing is clear: Fallout 3 is a blast to play, deserving of top honors, and one of the best RPG’s of the past several years.

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