Rate Your Favorite RPGs!

It’s been a few months since my last reminder, so I thought I’d take a moment to bring your attention to our top rated RPGs list again. The role-playing titles in our database have received thousands of votes to date now, so we’re really starting to form a picture of which games are some of our audience’s all-time favorites. I suppose it’s to be expected that Planescape: Torment, the Baldur’s Gate series, and the Fallout series have all nestled into the top spots, but recently we’ve seen Shining Force II jump to spot #12 and the two Knights of the Old Republic games in a neck-and-neck race for that #8 spot.

Beyond those, however, I can’t help feeling like some of the more recent releases have been neglected a bit. At the moment, The Witcher 2 only has 7 votes, Dragon Age II only has 6 votes, Deus Ex: Human Revolution only has 1 vote, Dungeon Siege III only has 1 vote, Two Worlds II only has 1 vote, Rift: Planes of Telara only has 1 vote, Dungeons & Dragons: Daggerdale only has 1 vote, Bastion has no votes, Crimson Alliance has no votes, Fallout: New Vegas – Old World Blues has no votes, and so on. If you’ve recently played a game or DLC in our database, we’d very much appreciate it if you could head over and cast a vote for it. And we probably won’t be the only appreciative party, either – you’ll be telling the world which games you loved or loathed so that like-minded gamers can better determine which ones are worth their hard-earned money.

Have a few minutes to spare?  Vote away!

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