Phoenix Point – Danforth Update Detailed

Snapshot Games’ XCOM-inspired Phoenix Point will be getting a new major update soon, and as such, we now have this developer blog post that outlines some of the new features we should expect once this so-called Danforth update goes live. The new features include greatly expanded scavenging missions, improved citadel maps, new recruiting options, and more. Check it out:

With the next major update for Phoenix Point, which we’re calling “Danforth,” rapidly approaching, we’d like to give you the rundown on the features and changes that you can expect to see.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Due to the changes made to tactical missions, any mid-mission saves may be invalidated. Should you try to load a save-game made during a tactical mission, you may be sent back to the auto-save made before the mission began.

We advise any players with ongoing campaigns to complete any missions in progress and make a new save on the Geoscape before applying this update.

Scavenging Missions

Previously, Scavenging Missions required the player to clear the area of all hostiles, while the hostiles tried to actively destroy resource containers scattered around the map.

The redesigned Scavenging Missions will now see enemy reinforcement waves continuously enter the map. No longer will the player be tasked with clearing the enemies. Instead, the player will need to grab what they can and evacuate from the area before being overwhelmed by enemy waves. The longer players stick around, the more resources they may potentially be able to gather – but the greater the risk of being overwhelmed by enemy forces.

There will also now be three different types of Scavenging Sites:


Like before, these missions will focus on recovering Tech, Food, and Material resources. These resources can now be found in supply crates around the map, along with weapons, ammo and equipment. The player will need to loot the chests and transfer supplies into their inventory to hang onto them. Once the player evacuates the map, all of the resources they are carrying will be recovered.


Some Scavenging Missions will have new recruits which can be rescued to join your ranks. These recruits will be located somewhere on the mission site. They will be neutral to your forces and hostile to the enemy forces. Once reached, they will fall under the player’s control and must be evacuated like the rest of the player’s forces.


Much like the Recruit missions, there will also be vehicles available to find and recover. Like with the recruits, the player will need to reach these vehicles and get them safely to the evac zone.

Overgrown Maps

In addition to the general Scavenging Site updates, we’ve also added a new tileset, the “Overgrown” maps. These maps will be found later in the campaign and will offer better rewards than the early game sites.

Improved Citadels

We have reworked the Citadel maps. There are now a greater variety of map layout possibilities, with Citadels now having a more labyrinth-like feel. This will provide more cover options and help to break lines of sight over large areas. Weapon and Ammo crates have also been added to Pandoran Citadels.

The Scylla herself has also seen some changes. Previously, with the correct combination of abilities and weaponry, she could be taken down fairly quickly. In the update, The Scylla has received an increase to her overall health pool and armor but now will receive extra bleed damage from disabling individual body parts. This will bring the Scylla encounters back in line with the intent of players needing to chip away at her over a number of turns.

Recruiting at Base

We have added more options for obtaining new recruits in the Danforth update. The player will still be required to complete the “Haven Recruitment Protocols” research before getting access to new recruits.

However, once complete, the player will receive a selection of 1-3 new recruits which refreshes every 3 in-game days. These recruits do not have any armor or equipment (regardless of difficulty level), and therefore only cost food to hire.

The player can see the personal trait track and class of each soldier before deciding to hire them, and then recruit them to the base of their choice (providing there is living space).

We’ve also added the option to dismiss soldiers from the player’s squad, should space be needed for a different recruit.

The original Haven recruitment system remains unchanged.

Haven Defenders

One of the most requested feature additions up to this point involves adding faction forces in Haven Defense Missions. In Danforth, the player will now be joined by defending forces from the Haven when responding to an attack.

In addition, Havens which are located in mist-covered areas of the world will have mist patches on the tactical map at the start of the mission.

Manual Drone Control

Technician’s Turrets can now be manually controlled on the player turn, provided the player has at least one active Technician on his squad. If all Technicians are killed, evacuate or come under the effects of Mind Control, the Turrets will revert to their AI control systems.

This also applies to Infiltrator Spider Drones. The Infiltrator will have manual control over Spider Drones so long as the player has at least one living Infiltrator in play who is not under the effects of Mind Control. As with the Turrets, Spider Drones will return to AI control should there be no Infiltrator able to control them manually.

Status Effect Interactions

We have also made a number of changes and additions to various status effects which can be applied to the player and enemy units:

  • Sirens and Priests will lose mind control of all units as soon as they become Dazed or Paralyzed.
  • Daze and Paralysis remove the Overwatch status from a target, as well as the ability to return fire.
  • Daze and Paralysis remove reactive abilities from enemies like the Triton’s Chameleon ability, Scylla’s mist spawning torso, and the Sentinel’s Preparation ability.
  • Panic removes Return Fire, Overwatch, and Mind Control.
  • A unit with Overwatch set cannot Return Fire.
  • Turrets and vehicles are immune to Paralysis, Daze, Bleed, and Mind Control.
  • Mind controlling a Siren should remove its Mind Control of other characters.
  • Melee attacks don’t trigger Return Fire.

Release Date

We had originally intended to announce the release date in this blog. However, the Danforth update is huge with many large, codependent changes. As we want to make sure that all of these changes are working as intended, and not going to interrupt your current games, we may need to take a little more time as a precaution. We will, of course, keep you updated and announce a release date as soon as we can. Rest assured, this update is close and will be available in the coming weeks.

The Rest

There are also a number of bug fixes and minor balance changes which we will list in full detail in our release date patch notes, which can also be found on our forums.

We still have many exciting additions and changes already being worked on for our future updates, which are all part of our continued commitment to making Phoenix Point become the best game it can.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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