Gaming News

Jade Empire: One of the Jewels of April

GameDAILY has published an article entitled “Jade Empire: One of the Jewels of April”, in which they detail the success BioWare’s Xbox RPG has had up to this point. Check it out: In what’s become an increasingly common occurrence for…

World of Warcraft Developers Move to NCsoft?

GameSpot’s latest rumor control article addresses reports that “droves” of World of Warcraft developers have left Blizzard Entertainment to join a new NCsoft studio in Irvine, CA. You decide: To make jumping ship more attractive, the company has reportedly opened…

Star Wars: KotOR II Review

The Armchair Empire has posted a review of Star Wars: KotOR II, giving the RPG sequel an overall score of 8 Here’s why: While some minor additions have been made to the formula of the first game, the Sith Lords…

Star Wars Galaxies Friday Feature

Sony’s official Star Wars Galaxies website has been updated with a new Friday Feature, this time offering information details about the Rryatt Trail on Kashyyyk. Check it out: We were now entering the lowest depths of the forest, actually able…

Dungeons & Dragons Online Monster Profile #4

Turbine’s official Dungeons & Dragons Online website has been updated with a fourth monster profile, this time detailing the Worg. Once again, concept art of the beast is included, but you’ll need to be a member of the game’s forums…

Deus Ex: Invisible War Reviews

It’s been quite awhile since we’ve seen any reviews for Deus Ex: Invisible War, but tonight we bring you news of two recent ones. The first is at GamingExcellence with an overall score of 7.9/10: Invisible War may not quite…

Guild Wars Reviews

Another pair of reviews for ArenaNet’s Guild Wars have made their way to the web, and they’re both positive. The first is over at The Washington Post: Best of all, Guild Wars — unlike every other massively multiplayer release —…

Camelot Grab Bag Q&A

Mythic’s Sanya Thomas has once again posted her weekly Grab Bag Q&A on the Camelot Herald, this time addressing questions about the new server, moving characters between accounts, and more. An excerpt: Q: When I look at artifacts such as…

Dungeon Siege II Friday Update

Gas Powered Games has posted another Friday update on the official Dungeon Siege II website, which includes information about a shield called Lorenthal’s Command and a spell called Ripple. A snip about the latter: Most Nature Magic attacks are based…

Guild Wars Mini-Interview #45

ArenaNet has answered another small batch of questions about Guild Wars, with the interview appearing on the official website this time around. Here’s a taste: Q: Is Direct Song for Guild Wars only, or will other titles have similar ties…