Mount & Blade Reviews

Two more semi-favorable reviews of TaleWorlds’ Mount & Blade are now available for your scrutiny. First we have NZGamer with a score of 7.9/10:

In the end, it’s a matter of knowing what you want from a game. If you want a story-driven, graphically intensive roleplaying game, this is not going to do it for you. But if you enjoyed the freedom of Sid Meier’s Pirates!, Mount&Blade is probably right up your alley. In fact, it actually feels much like the child of Pirates! and Daggerfall both incredible and problematic because of its unrestrictive gameplay. It’s a flawed gem, but if you’re willing to forgive its foibles, its one hell of a ride.

And then we have VGBlogger with a rating of “Buy It”:

As I said from the start, the target audience for Mount & Blade is rather small, but for that group of gamers it scratches an itch that has been around for years, and does so in a very satisfying way. The game provides hours of fun, and an experience that doesn’t get stale. There is a constant stream of updates and improvements, making every aspect of the game feel fresh. One of the best things about a game like this is that there is a generous demo too – so if you have a fairly modern PC just give it a try!

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