Leipzig Games Convention Officially Cancelled

GamesIndustry.biz is reporting that Leipziger Messe has cancelled this year’s Games Convention due to the industry support being given to GamesCom, a new event being held in Cologne, Germany during the same timeframe.

The Leipzig Game Convention has officially been cancelled, with this year’s event planned for August 20 23 no longer taking place.

The key industry and consumer event in Europe will now be Gamescom, taking place August 19 23 in Cologne. GDC Europe will also run August 17 19 at the same location.

“In view of the new situation in terms of competition on the German trade fair market, Leipziger Messe would be dropping the GC – Games Convention from the 2009 calendar,” said Leipziger Messe in a statement.

“If the industry is again in search of a platform for console and PC games and hardware with the know-how of the GC – Games Convention, we will immediately be available,” commented Wolfgang Marzin, CEO.

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