Legends of Dawn Kickstarter Campaign Update #6, $23,836 and Counting

Dreamatrix has cranked out a sixth update to their Legends of Dawn Kickstarter project, this time sharing some information about the game’s in-game maps, the importance of wells, and the first in what I hope will be a series of non-combat gameplay videos. Read on:


Maps panel shows the world of Narr and areas around Korden’s Fall – village where players start the game. Maps panel takes care to display all locations that you have visited so far. It also shows different locations of interest such as inns, god shrines, entrances to dungeons and much more.


During the travel you will find wells. You can refill your water skins in them. Drinking fresh spring water is good way to refill your faith. Beware however, water skins themselves are rare and wells even more so. Remember where they are, you will need them.

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