Kivi’s Underworld v1.001 Demo Released

Soldak Entertainment has released an updated demo of Kivi’s Underworld that includes all of the fixes in the game’s previously released v1.001 patch. A full list of download mirrors can be found on this page.

And, while we’re on the topic, a new review of the hack n’ slash title has surfaced at Gaming’s Edge:

So, in conclusion, the game is much more limited in scope than DoP, or even from most other games of its genre. But I have to say, in the case of Kivi’s Underworld, less is actually more. You don’t have an array of skills that make you automatically godlike in any encounter. You can’t potion-spam as in Diablo. And you can’t rely on having a ton of power-ups in your inventory. Which means you have to be careful. It means you have to be clever. And it means you really feel like the odds are against you. Which, based on the story, they kinda are. Every skill point actually matters. Every secret you find is a genuine help. Or, when in doubt, do what I do, and turn the difficulty down, and tear through a horde of monsters until your index finger gets sprained.

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