Kivi’s Underworld Multiplayer Expansion Released

If you’ve grown bored with soloing through Kivi’s Underworld, you’ll be happy to hear that Soldak Entertainment has released a multiplayer expansion (LAN and Internet) for the reasonable price of $9.99. There are some differences when playing then action-heavy RPG in a multiplayer environment, though:

1) The score, secrets, keys, and quests are shared between all of the characters playing so don’t worry too much about who picks up most things, who finds the secrets, or who gets the kills.

2) Powerups are not automatically shared, so please be considerate to the other players.

3) Monsters get harder and harder the more people are in the game. Just because skeletons are easy in a 1 player game doesn’t mean they are in an 8 player game, so be careful.

4) In a multiplayer game, you really have infinite lives. The running out of lives mechanic just doesn’t work well in multiplayer. It is still important to try not to die though because of the score bonus at the end of adventures.

5) The adventure will quickly end if anyone that is playing ends the game (after finishing all of the required quests of course).

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