King’s Bounty: Warriors of the North Reviews

We have rounded up a couple of recent reviews for the latest in the King’s Bounty rebooted series, Warriors of the North, which doesn’t seem to revolutionize the formula of titles like The Legend and Armored Princess in any way.

Rock, Paper, Shotgun, scoreless.

It’s fine! It should be a £10 expansion pack rather than a £25 expandalone, and as such I can’t in good conscience recommend Warriors of the North over picking up King’s Bounty: The Legend or Crossworlds for far less. It is more finely-balanced, it is free of the slightly grating cutsiness of Armoured Princess and being a big, tough, hairy viking on a flying pony (a quickly-obtained alternate means of navigating around the large overland maps) is a constant delight. So, for this year, I guess I’m okay with another pair of slippers and another series of the Great British Bake-Off. Next year I want Doc Martens and a chilli competition, though., scoreless.

Warriors of the North’˜s it’s-not-broken-so-why-fix-it approach will be more than fine with some gamers while it will be frustrating to others. Personally I’m satisfied with a new game that’s limited to new characters and the shift from a baby dragon summon to a Valkyrie, but I wish some progress could be made on other fronts. For example, the battle animations still take much too long, even when set to High. Trust me after you’ve seen the Viking’s cheer 100 or so times, you’re ready to either turn off animations (not an option) or have them play back even faster than they do on High. The game simply takes too long, so cutting down on animation time would help things progress. I don’t want an abbreviated game, I just want to spend my time playing. Also, why do I still need to go into a .ini file, deep within Windows, to set the game to windowed mode? If games can have modern tools like Steam cloud sync and 3D I think something like this would be easy.

Warriors of the North is more of the same fun, flawed, drawn-out King’s Bounty experience. The series is very much on cruise control at this point, but I do think it’s rolling past some very nice scenery.

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