Jade Empire Reviews

Just in case you haven’t decided whether or not to purchase BioWare’s Jade Empire yet, there are two more online reviews to help sway your decision. The first is at LoadedInc with an overall score of 8.8/10:

Overall, Jade Empire is a fantastic RPG that takes several concepts from various games and genres, simplifies them, and puts them into a neat package. It’s not as deep as Knights of the Old Republic and seems to be more of what was promised with Fable. If you’re a fan of games in general, you can’t go wrong with purchasing Jade Empire.

And the second is at ByteSector with an overall score of 4/5:

Jade Empire is an experience no Xbox gamer should miss. It is, in essence, the perfect combination of KOTOR and Fable, stirred into a proverbial pot with excellent graphic spice and overwhelming feeling sauce. If you don’t like what Bioware’s cookin’ this time around, get out of everyone’s kitchen because this game is sure to hit every home from Alberta to Zimbabwe.

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