Horizons: Empire of Istaria Peek #1

RPG Vault has begun a new series of “Peek” features, this time offering information about Tulga Games’ Horizons: Empire of Istaria. In the first installment, we learn about the MMORPG’s highly touted Dragon race:

The most significant quest currently in Horizons that a Dragon can take on is the Adult Rite of Passage (RoP). In order to attempt it, a Dragon must meet the minimum requirements for Dragon Adventurer and Crafter, and have a hoard of at least 250,000. Upon completion of the quest, the Dragon leaves behind the juvenile appearance, and becomes an adult. Adults are much larger, and have the ability to fly gracefully through the Istarian skies. They also become eligible to complete other quests not available for juveniles, such as the Khutit quest, which allows them to transform themselves into human-sized creatures. The RoP was added to Horizons shortly after it launched as part of our ongoing content enhancements.

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