Heroes of Might & Magic V Interview

GameSpot had the chance to ask Ubisoft producer Fabrice Cambounet and assistant producer Thomas Le Grand two pages of questions about the upcoming fifth installment in the Heroes of Might & Magic series. A little something about heroes:

Q: Could you discuss more details on the role of hero characters in the game? As we’ve seen, heroes will return to their positions off the battlefield (rather than on it, as in Heroes IV), and they will still be able to learn different types of skills, such as combat abilities or advancing in different schools of magic. Will each hero still have at least one distinct, inherent advantage (such as, for instance, an attack bonus with a specific kind of unit) or possibly multiple advantages? How else will their roles be expanded and enhanced? Will they be able to learn larger numbers of skills?

A: Heroes are the center of the gameplay of course, and their roles remain critical in winning battles. They will be able to enter the battlefield at some point, for specific actions, which will depend on their race. These types of actions will be gained during their growth in power.

The skill and magic system implemented in the game are fantastic new takes on the previous games. It will feel familiar when you choose the progression of your heroes, and leveling up is as simple and quick as before. You will also discover new ways of expanding your capacities.

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