Grim Dawn Grim Misadventure #171 – Expanded Horizons

Crate Entertainment is currently working on the v1.1.8.0 update for their action-RPG Grim Dawn. This update will mostly focus on expanding the game with new areas and filling its world with more stuff. The latest “Grim Misadventure” development update shares some additional details and a few screenshots. Here are the text bits:

Grim Misadventures is here!

Last time, you had your first look at the new Crucible Arenas included with v1.1.7.0. But as you now have this update in your hands, that’s OLD NEWS.

V1.1.7.0 was so last week, let’s talk about V1.1.8.0! You may recall as we teased you with this image when the new year rolled around…

As you can imagine, priorities shifted, MOAR was added, then even MOAR, and here we are halfway through 2020 with no new areas in sight. But fear not, for their time is coming!

Where v1.1.7.0 focused on overhauling loot tables and introducing a mountain of new Monster Infrequents to hunt for, v1.1.8.0 will be all about world building. There are many nooks and crannies in Cairn that have been left untouched. In some cases, it was the realities of development and we couldn’t get to everything we wanted to. In other cases, we had tantalizing areas just out of sight that never got used.

The most infamous of all may be the area between Old Arkovia and Tyrant’s Hold. Those who have been with us since Early Access may recall that we once contemplated offering two routes up to Homestead but, for a number of reasons, we had to alter those plans. The game has grown since then, and we’ve had some time to ponder how we could give that area the attention it deserves.

With v1.1.8.0, you will be able to traverse Tyrant’s Hold and approach the ruined bridge from the other side. The bridge that’s teased us since the early days of Grim Dawn will finally be restored!

Sharp eyes may also have noticed that there were some changes to Burrwitch a few updates ago. As you likely suspected (and some of the modders datamined), this will indeed be another area we’ve expanded upon and will be featured in the v1.1.8.0 update!

Now why would you find yourself exploring these portions of the world when you’ve got foreboding deserts to explore and forgotten gods to vanquish? Well, as with all content, new challenges await, new wealth remains to be uncovered. To the explorer go the spoils!

Is there an area of Grim Dawn’s world that you’ve been itching to explore further?

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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