GamingShogun’s 2008 Game of the Year

Rather than listing an assortment of awards for the games released during 2008, GamingShogun has only one top pick – and it goes to Fallout 3.

Fallout 3 puts the player in a living and breathing (sometimes wheezing) 3d world where danger lurks just over the next scrap heap. The stories of the current residence of the D.C. Wasteland are not the only ones told as the player also gets a solid picture of life before the bombs fell. A pair of charred skeletons ‘spoon’ in the upstairs bed of a seemingly-intact suburban house. Nuclear-powered cars rust at a drive-in movie theater while a few are parked some meters away at what appears to be a ‘lover’s lookout’. Fallout 3 is a truly moving, engrossing game and will provide you with many hours of play and re-play (Bethsoft has designed the game so that you cannot possibly do everything in one sitting).

So what’s next for Fallout? Well, there is the constant rumble of a Fallout MMORPG from both Bethsoft and Interplay. In addition, there are three upcoming DLC packs scheduled for Fallout 3 we can look forward to. The future is truly bright for this franchise and it is with great pride we elect it our game of the year!

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