Fallout Developer Profile – Brian Freyermuth

The latest Fallout developer profile on No Mutants Allowed features Brian Freyermuth, who worked on the quests and characters for Wasteland 2 (which later became the original Fallout).

What’s your favourite Fallout memory?

The original story session for Wasteland 2 was just the original five of us sitting in a Carl’s Jr. until late at night. It was a wonderful brainstorming session, and we basically hammered out the story from there. It was a great creative atmosphere.

As for the game, I still love the fact that you can talk the Master into killing himself. It’s tough, and your skill has to be high enough, but it’s doable. I also like the moral choices in the game, like in Necropolis when you had to choose between the ghouls who were depending on the water chip, and your vault that needed it.

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