Fallout 3 The Pitt DLC Previews

Eurogamer and OXM have both whipped up hands-on previews of The Pitt after taking Fallout 3’s second downloadable add-on for a spin.

First, an excerpt from Eurogamer’s article:

I won’t ruin the experience by presenting a laboured ‘What I done on a third of my holidays’ linear account of The Pitt; but that word ‘linear’ is worth analysing. The Pitt is linear in that it’s a sequence of linked quests in different areas of a map, much like Operation Anchorage and the more location-based affairs in the main game. But there’s no doubt you feel less funnelled and less hurried as you pootle around the outskirts, primary foundry hub and early trog-infested ‘dungeon’ area.

I suspect that the playtime won’t greatly exceed that of Operation Anchorage, and that difficulty for maxed-out players may again be an issue (this time around I’ll certainly be making sure I’ve notched my difficulty settings up onto ‘hard’ from the off), but so far things are looking up content-wise. It should also be noted that parts of the Pitt raise the graphical bar too; entering the steel foundry with its heat haze, molten steel and floating embers is a remarkable experience.

And then an excerpt from OXM’s article:

Unlike Operation Anchorage, The Pitt isn’t focused on combat. You have the traditional push-and-pull of quests that send you scurrying around the terrain collecting objects, investigating mysterious circumstances or just happening on odd scenarios. In the Steel Mill, you find an injured slave worker on the floor that the guards are ignoring. You have the choice of healing him or putting him out his misery. Help or hinder? The choice is yours.

Inside The Pitt, you have a contact called Midea who sets you on the right path towards the cure – you need to triumph in the arena, where slaves are put up against a vast array of fighters in a ‘symbolic’ bid to win their freedom. That’s where our time with The Pitt came to an end. We were told that the hour we covered was roughly a third of the way into the DLC but there were plenty of quests that we hadn’t found, not to mention the various different outcomes to discover.

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