Fallout 3 Operation: Anchorage Reader Q&A

After compiling a set of community questions on Fallout 3’s Operation: Anchorage DLC, GameSpy is offering up the results of their two-page Q&A with Bethesda’s Jeff Gardiner.

GSpy Reader: Are there any new additions to the combat system/skills/perks?

Jeff Gardiner: We’ve added new perks but the combat system as a whole will stay the same. Within the simulation weapons will be at maximum condition and there are ammo and health dispensers, which do change the feel of the game quite a bit. It allows the player to have fun and not worry so much about resource management.

GSpy Reader: Fallout Nerd Question: Will there be an explanation given for why T-51b is in use in Alaska rather than a variation on the T-45b? Aren’t the Power Armor suits in Fallout 3 supposed to be the original, older models?

Jeff Gardiner: As this is a combat training simulator, the creators of the simulation didn’t design it to be 100% historically accurate!

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