Fable II DLC Adds Canine Resurrection Shrine

Without giving away anything more than Lionhead’s senior community manager Sam Van Tilburgh already has, I’m just going to quote his latest blog post for those of you who didn’t choose Fable II’s “Love” ending.

There have been hundreds of people sending us emails, complaining and even threatening us because something happened to their faithful dog. Obviously I don’t want to spoil the Fable II story for anyone who hasn’t finished the main story yet, so I’m not going to go into the details. A beloved editor of gaming blog Kotaku (who will not be named) even has been sending me multiple emails claiming “I am not talking to you people. You made me sacrifice my puppy for the greater good.”

Since the DLC Knothole Island will be hitting Xbox LIVE marketplace tomorrow, I wanted to draw the attention to the following bullet point from the site;

– Unravel the mystical secrets of the resurrection shrine.

Now I’m not going to spoil Knothole Island for you either, so while I can’t really say a thing (or the infamous PR police will hunt me down and kill me to death), I think it’d be fair to say that you won’t be playing Knothole Island without a trusty friend on four legs….

Clear enough? Gna gna gna!

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