EverQuest – New Heroic Servers Available

Back in October, Daybreak Game Company’s producer Holly “Windstalker” Longdale penned an open letter where she, among other things, talked about a new progression server coming to EverQuest. Entitled Miragul, this so-called “heroic progression server” should now be live. It offers you a chance to start your EverQuest journey at level 85 and then gradually experience the expansion content this long-running MMORPG has to offer. Check out this FAQ if you’d like to know more:

Q: How is this server different from other servers?
All new characters on this server will start as Heroic characters, at level 85, with gear, spells, and AAs, in the House of Thule version of Innothule Swamp. New characters will not receive the claimable currency that a purchased Heroic Character would normally have. If you have purchased a Heroic Character or Head start Character (51/50), it can not be redeemed on this server.

Q: Can I transfer my existing character here?
No. This will be a fresh server where all players will begin their adventures at level 85. There are no plans at this time to offer transfers to this server from any other progression server, or transfers off of this server.

Q: How does Raid Instancing work on Miragul?
Raid instances will work the same way they do on Live servers.

Q: How will expansion unlocks work?
Expansions will unlock on a 3/2 month system. Expansions that feature a level cap increase will last for three months. All other expansions will last two months. The Miragul server will start in House of Thule, which is a level cap increase, so it will be three months before Veil of Alaris unlocks. You will be able to see these unlocks on your calendar in the game.

Q: Can I claim the 40-Slot “Broker’s Backpack” on the new Heroic Server?
Yes, as long as you have not claimed it on another server on your current account.

Q: What things are not allowed on this server?
A True Box Server is a place where players are only allowed to play one EverQuest account at a time on their computer.
Doing any of the following on Miragul may result in action being taken against your Daybreak Account:

  • Playing multiple characters at the same time from a single computer.
  • Using 3rd party software.
  • Any method to send one key press to multiple characters.

And as a refresher, doing any of the following on ANY server may result in action being taken against your Daybreak Account:

  • Unattended Game-play: Any method that lets a character take actions while you’re not at your keyboard.
  • Playing on virtual machines.
  • Any attempt to circumvent the /pickzone timer.
  • Any attempt to avoid or circumvent lockout timers.

Q: What’s the XP rate on Miragul?
Experience gain on Miragul will be at the same rate as on standard Live servers.

Q: Which versions of raid bosses will be on Miragul?
All raid bosses will be the same versions as those on Live servers.

Q: Which versions of zones will be on Miragul?
All open world zones will be the same versions as those on Live servers.

Q: Will you be removing changes made to game functions?
No. UI enhancements such as Item Search, Bandolier, Spell Blocking, the Quest Journal, improved hot bars, and clicking items in bags will all be available. Customized guildhalls will not be available until Veil of Alaris opens.

Q: Will classes or races that were not available at launch be available on Miragul?
Not until the server progresses to the point at which the race, class, or combination was added. When Miragul opens, all races will be available. The only class combinations which will not be available are Froglok Monk and Wood Elf Beastlord.

Q: Will the Tutorial or Veteran Rewards be enabled on the server? What about holiday events like Fabled Mobs or Hardcore Heritage? Can I claim loot rewards from Legends of Norrath on this server?
The Tutorial will be unlocked, but not relevant due to all players starting at level 85. Veteran rewards will be available. Any event content (Fabled, Hardcore Heritage, Frostfell) will be available as long as the content was introduced during or before the current unlocked expansion. Legends of Norrath prize packs will not be available until Rain of Fear unlocks.

Q: How will you be handling the rush of players at launch?
Zones have a form of load-balancing that can spawn another version of a zone when the current zone gets too full.

Once those zones reach a certain threshold of players (which varies based on the size of the zone), it will spawn another version of itself. You will be able to choose which version of the zone you want to enter, or you will be able to use the /pickzone command to choose another version of the zone you are in. This should let people group up with friends while still being able to find things to kill and interact plenty of other players.

We also utilize technology to dynamically increase the maximum number of characters allowable on a server at any given time. Because character creation is particularly taxing on the zone servers and all new players start in the same zone, we will likely restrict the number of active players on the server to a smaller number in order to keep the load manageable.

Q: Will Recruit-A-Friend or other account-based bonuses apply to this server?
No. Recruit-A-Friend bonuses will not apply to Miragul.

Q: What is the difference between a Heroic Server and a Standard Server?
The main difference is that every new character starts at level 85 with a full set of equipment, spells, and AAs, and will begin in the House of Thule version of the Feerrott. Because the server starts in House of Thule, features such as the (standard) Guildhall, Neighborhood, Bazaar, and the Plane of Knowledge will be available when the server launches.

AA Auto-grant also works slightly differently on this server. All new characters will start with auto-granted AAs through House of Thule, but AAs following that point will not be auto-granted until five more expansions have unlocked (as they are on all other servers). Effectively a new character on a Heroic Server will start with the same AAs that a new level 85 Heroic Character will have on a Live server, but more AAs will not be eligible for auto-grant until The Broken Mirror unlocks.

Q: I found a piece of equipment that my character can’t use, but I was able to equip it anyway! Is this a bug?
No, it’s not a bug. While you may be able to wear it, the item will not give you any benefits. You can tell when an item isn’t usable by you for some reason when it turns that slot yellow in your inventory.

Q: What are Noble Exchange Merchants?
Nobles are meant to allow players to make very large value transfers (over two million platinum) that weren’t possible before. They also allow players to send and receive parcels in addition to their service as merchants.

Q: What has changed with pets?
Pets on Heroic Servers will behave the same way they do on Live servers.

Q: I think I found a bug. How do I report it?
It’s good practice to use the command /bug, particularly if a specific NPC is involved. If you have that NPC targeted and check the “Send target information” box in a /bug, it helps us find and fix the problem much more quickly.

And on the EverQuest II side of things, you can now join Rivervale, a more traditional heroic server. You can learn a bit about it over here.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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