Eurogamer’s Top 50 Games of 2008: 30-21

Eurogamer has reached the central point of their “Top 50 Games of 2008” article, with this batch including such JRPGs as Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 (#28) and Chrono Trigger DS (#27).

Simon Parkin: While nostalgia is part of the aesthetic, through both design and circumstance, you needn’t have played the Super Nintendo original to be bowled over by Chrono Trigger’s timeless genius. Playing the game afresh today is a mixture of wonder and tragedy. Wonder at the quality of the design, storyline and tragedy that so few games caught on to its solutions to many of the JRPG format’s restrictions and problems.

Tom Bramwell: This came out at the peak of my teenage love with JRPGs, and marked the point at which baby Tom realised he was grown up enough for the scary-looking turn-based RPGs. What I didn’t appreciate at the time was that it was peerless, and I’d never love another JRPG as much as I did this.

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