Dungeons & Dragons Online Monster Profile #23

Turbine’s official Dungeons & Dragons Online: Stormreach website has been updated with its twenty-third monster profile, this time detailing the Gray Ooze. Concept art and detailed information of the creature are provided, and, for those of you who haven’t signed up for the DDO forums, you no longer have to be a member to view the profile. An excerpt:

You can count yourself lucky if you’ve done any exploring of the dungeons of Stormreach and still failed to encounter any of these pestilences. Oozes are common within the wet and dark confines of the underworld, and the gray ooze represents one of the weaker ooze varieties found in Xen’drik. The worst part of encountering these nuisances is that one may not even notice anything unusual about these little puddles until it is too late. Without a truly superior awareness – generally found only in the most perspicacious of rogues – the creature is likely to have the advantage of surprise. And so the encounter begins with the ooze, slow-moving though it may be, with the first strike advantage.

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