Driftmoon Reviews

We have rounded up a few, decidedly positive, reviews for the recently released Driftmoon, an indie top-down RPG from Instant Kingdom.

I-Luv-Games, 9/10.

It’s easy for me to recommend Driftmoon as a purchase. It has a fun story, loads of gameplay, great atmosphere, and I think it will remind others of the great games they themselves had played long ago. I’d urge you to buy it after reading all of this, however if you’re still not convinced then please do yourself the favor of picking up the lengthy Driftmoon demo and find out for yourself why it deserves a place in your game library. If nothing else, Driftmoon proves the point that greatness can come from humble beginnings!

Dealspwn, 8/10.

Driftmoon is a seven-year labour of love, and it shows. Irrepressible personality, hilarious dialogue, clever puzzles and deceptively deep gameplay overshadow the basic visuals, while comprehensive mod tools will allow players to support this charming indie adventure for months to come.


If I had to complain about stuff, I’d say the truncated finale isn’t going to make the (Does it have a New Game+?) crowd do the happy dance (this isn’t a JRPG, kids!) and yes, the game is quite linear if you do all the quests in each area and get busy hunting down every Silver Feather and hidden Goldfish. There’s a day/night cycle in place where picked plants regrow, but this only seems to work if you spend 24 game hours or more in the same location. Even though you can create your own mods and yes, entire games with the editor, as far as I know, you’re stuck with a male character from what I’ve seen and don’t even think of playing as a female in the main game. I’m hoping we eventually see a mod for modders from Ville or another user that adds playable ladies to the game just to satisfy anyone who wants a little more gal power in what they create.

That said, those gripes are minor in the grand scheme of things and none of them should keep you from snapping this up as soon as possible, jumping in feet first and enjoying the ride. Driftmoon works so well because all the elements blend together like a good stew where each ingredient is cooked perfectly and there’s more depth to be found as you reach the bottom of the bowl. In a nutshell: Tip cap, buy game, sit back and get ready to smile early and often and you take a swim in an ocean of nostalgia.

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