Dragon Age: Origins Gen Con Indy Details

BioWare has slapped up some details about their plans for showing off Dragon Age: Origins at next week’s Gen Con Indy.

Dragon Age: Origins will be presenting at Gen Con for gaming awesomeness in the Midwest.

Dragon Age will be at booth #633 where you will be able to:
-Have hands on PC and Xbox 360 game play
-Watch a stage demo of the DAO Toolset
-Listen to David Gaider discussing the DAO story
-Have David Gaider autograph your copy of Dragon Age: The Stolen Throne
-Pick up an inflatable Dragon Age sword

You can also meet and interact with some of the Bioware staff:
-Evil Chris Priestly
-Writer David Gaider
-Producer Fernando Melo
-Toolsetter Brian Derksen
-Chief Swag Officer Randall Bishop
-Programmer Derek Beland
-Analyst Vanessa Prinsen
-Designer Cori May

As it turns out, I’ll actually be traveling to BioWare’s Edmonton headquarters for a hands-on look at Dragon Age during this same timeframe. Expect some thorough coverage of the game here on GameBanshee shortly thereafter.

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