Curt Schilling on 38 Studios Lawsuit

USA Today is offering a report on ex-pitcher and 38 Studios founder Curt Schilling’s reaction to Rhode Island’s recent lawsuit regarding the 38 Studios fiasco, which sees Schilling himself as one of the defendants.

As you might expect, Schilling didn’t take kindly to it, arguing that the reasons behind the suit are purely political:

In his first public comments on the lawsuit, Schilling, in a written statement sent Friday to The Associated Press, said the EDC’s decision was made “with its eyes wide open and with full understanding of any risks.”

Schilling said he had not yet seen the lawsuit, but believes he’s being sued in part because of critical comments he made about Gov. Lincoln Chafee’s handling of the situation.

Schilling has accused Chafee of not doing enough to help 38 Studios stay afloat and publicly called him a “buffoon” and a “dunce of epic proportions.” Chafee opposed giving the company more financial support after it began having money troubles, saying it did not have a viable plan for survival.

“I am confident that when the claims against me are adjudicated, it will be determined that the claims were brought against me for political reasons, not based on any alleged wrongdoing on my part,” Schilling said in the statement.

“To the extent my attorneys advise me that these claims were improperly filed, I will consider taking such action as necessary against those filing the claims,” he said.

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