Code of the Savage Update #27

The latest development update for Geoff Jones’ Ultima-inspired RPG Code of the Savage shares a progress report, some fresh screenshots and a new batch of NPC portraits. In the process, it lets us know that if everything goes according to plan, we will soon be getting a bigger playable demo. Here are the text parts:

Hi all! I hope everyone is staying safe…

I’ve mostly been working on the game environment and art as well as content so that I can gave the game ready for beta. I’ve improved how cliffsides are drawn as well as making shadow placements automated.

The towns of Sainsbury and Greenwood have been added. It’s a little hard to show the towns in a single screenshot, so Here are some aerial views minus the trees.

Sainsbury is a small southern fishing village… or at least it was. Greenwood is located on the tip of the southeasternmost peninsular. It’s the main export being wild game.

I painted 15 new portraits and made some adjustments to another older one. In total now, I’ve finished 73 portraits

This particular NPC portrait was one of the very first ones I did, and I was never happy with it, so I decided to paint it from scratch with the same reference image. A big improvement if I do say so myself :)(This is Harold the bouncer at the Golden Ore in Penthos)

I didn’t completely redo this one from scratch, but another NPC, that I revisited was the one below. I had revisited this one in the past but again wasn’t happy with it as it didn’t match the other portraits. Anyway, I feel its a huge improvement! Gone are those black dot eyeballs…

I’ll be focusing on content building for the foreseeable future and hope to have a bigger demo to show soon.


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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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