Chris Avellone Interview, Part One

Gamer Girl has conducted an interview with Obsidian Entertainment’s Chris Avellone, in which the developer talks about his involvement with Planescape: Torment, Fallout, Star Wars: KotOR II, and Neverwinter Nights 2. Check it out:

Q: What’s your approach to character design?

Find some hook for the character that makes him interesting to explore this becomes the seed, then you just see what grows out of it. I try not to spell out too much about a character’s personality before I actually start writing him or her, because I’ve found they tend to gain a voice of their own as I write them. For example, I knew I wanted a succubus in Torment, but it seemed like that idea had been done to death, so the hook became what if she was a chaste, virtuous, polite succubus? That became the hook and Fall-From-Grace grew from there.

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