Borderlands 2 Reviews

It’s been a while since we’ve reported on the reception of Borderlands 2, the sequel to Gearbox’s cartoony loot-driven FPS/RPG, so we thought you’d want to check out another batch of later reviews, that still more or less confirms the initial enthusiastic reception.

Mobile&Apps calls it “a fitting end to this generation of consoles”, scoreless.

Borderlands 2 is a game worth playing for a long time to come. The number of weapons and side quests to meddle with in this game will take a long time to fully explore. Borderlands 2 may be the best contender for Game of The Year 2012. Gearbox has a winner with the Borderlands franchise, and gamers can probably expect many more of these games throughout the next generation and beyond.

San Jose Mercury News, 4/4.

The closest comparison to the experience is “Alice in Wonderland.” Of course, there are more guns, explosions and robots in “Borderlands 2,” but the same type of whimsy and bizarre characters inhabit both worlds. That and the dubstep is what stays with players even after the credits roll., scoreless.

Borderlands 2 is essentially what the first Borderlands should have been. It’s polished, PC friendly, lots of crazy fun and has a fantastic co-op system, but in the end it’s really just more of the same. But if we are judging it on its own merits, (and pretend the PC original never happened) there is really nothing else like it on the market. Killing things with crazy new weapons has this addictive quality about it that can only be compared to ripping mobs apart in Diablo or Torchlight, where every time you feel like you should stop there’s yet another wave of enemies waiting to be slaughtered in the name of loot and cash. Because, really, that’s what Borderlands is all about killing lots of things with your friends.

Cinema Blend, 3.5/5.

Borderlands 2 is an extremely entertaining shooter RPG but the RPG part of that equation needs some work. If you set your game in a vast open world, you should actually put something in that world. If you give players character progression options, you should make these options meaningful. It’s sad to see the potential of Borderlands 2 being held back by issues that should’ve been addressed in the first game. Borderlands was the best shooter RPG around and by improving on that formula a bit, Borderlands 2 assumes the mantle. It could’ve been so much more, though.

TIME, 4/5.

This is not the last we’ll hear of Borderlands, as the conclusion to Borderlands 2 sets up at least another sequel. But with all the major weaknesses of the first game now corrected, the challenge for 2K Games is to expand the series in even more exciting ways, and not just to smooth over the last remaining rough spots to give us the finely-polished Borderlands that the second game could have been.

Then again, no matter what’s next for Borderlands, even if it slides backwards, we’ll all be hopelessly addicted to it anyway.

Segment Next, 8/10.

I went out of my way to complete side quests, not because I enjoyed doing them, or wanted any EXP or item rewards. Rather, I did them for the jokes and quipy comments. I did them, because I liked the characters, and I wanted to experience more of them. It got me through the game, even if the game itself wasn’t so great.

I firmly believe that the reason this game is so consistently funny, is because it knows its audience. Too many films try to spread their jokes too thin, in an attempt to cater to multiple audiences. If you’re a gamer who enjoys a good laugh, and who among us is not one of those, then you owe it to yourself to experience the world of Pandora and all of the eccentric characters that reside there.

MTV Multiplayer, scoreless.

A lot can be said about sticking with a formula that works. Essentially Borderlands 2 is the same as the first- an addicting, loot-based, dungeon crawling, shooter concentrated on co-op play with a touch of humor. You could just say it’s exactly like the first but more and you’d have a pretty clear idea of what you’re getting. Gearbox’s second pass at the world of Pandora adds another level of polish to an already fun first game. If you like your games to be loud and colorful with a touch of humor, you’ll have an absolute blast with this one.

The Observer, scoreless.

Once again, the highlight is the multiplayer. Two people can play on the same split screen, but four (online) players will have the most fun the fun of a Commando deploying a nuke-launching gun turret; the fun of charging into battle with a bazooka in each hand, as an aptly named Gunzerker; the fun of popping up behind your foes as an Assassin, the game’s new boy. And although some Borderlands veterans may not agree, the fun of being a Siren that isn’t totally invulnerable. Roll up. Roll up. It’s all the fun of Borderlands 2. Who wants some?

Techno Buffalo, 9.0/10.

The classes are worth playing a few times. The funny moments remain funny. The storyline is heavy enough to enjoy once through and light enough to get out of the way when it’s time to grind. The mechanics are sound. The art style is amazing. And, most importantly, the game finally feels perfectly diverse.

If you game with friends, if you love shooters, if you like humorous characters, if you’re looking for a general good time, do not skip Borderlands 2. This is one of the best efforts for 2012. Be warned, though, solo players may hit a few walls of frustration.

Time Out Chicago Kids, scoreless.

Borderlands 2 manages to pack so much into one disc it’s amazing: millions of weapons, expansive open world locations, hilarious writing and characters, and the new antagonist that you will hate with a passion. This game is what other developers should use as the blueprint for future games.

The Koalition, 88%.

While the world can often feel empty in some places and dated gameplay design choices hold it back from being a genre defining experience, the amount of fun and content packed on one disc cannot be denied. If you’ve got a solid group of friends to play with, you probably won’t find much else better than this.

Venture Beat, 92/100.

Borderlands 2 is everything fans of the original could have hoped for. No, it doesn’t mess with a formula that already proved itself. Instead it supports the framework for a great role-playing game with a bigger world, while offering more customization options for its players. It’s also one of the funnier games you’re likely to play this year.

It’s hard to imagine this kind of game getting much better. The few complaints I had were minor and easily overshadowed by the ridiculous scope of the experience Gearbox offers.

If you liked Borderlands, you’ll love Borderlands 2. If you missed out on the original, don’t make that same mistake twice.

Leviathyn, 9.5/10.

It’s hard to find a gamer I wouldn’t recommend Borderlands 2 to. The mix of shooter and RPG gameplay is unfairly addictive, and the improved writing and story elements make this much more than a brainless shooter. With a wealth of classic game references, laugh out loud humor and a antagonist who is sure to become a legend, Borderlands 2 offers more than enough extraneous incentive beyond the incredible gameplay to keep playing. If you haven’t already experienced it, I implore you to take a second trip through Pandora.

RPGSite, 90%.

At the same time, though, it’s a little too safe in what it changes. I enjoyed Borderlands 2 thoroughly and am still playing it, but my appetite still feels slightly unfulfilled. That may be down to how much Borderlands I played – the fact I was bitten by the bug so thoroughly previously – but I also can’t help but feel that this game is at its absolute best the few times it tries something completely new.

Borderlands 2 is worth playing if you’ve played the original title or not. In almost every sense it’s a superior title to the original – even if I find myself wishing it had done more. Ultimately, it has left me hungry for more – which is probably a testament to how potent a formula this is.

Gaming Illustrated, 90%.

Does Borderlands 2 live up to all the hype and anticipation? Probably not because few if any games ever live up to unrealistic expectations heaped upon it by people’s collective desires and imaginings. What it does do is take the formula from the first Borderlands that worked so well and builds upon that then refines it and expands it. For anyone that did not like the first game, this likely will not change his/her mind. Yet for fans of the original, there is plenty to love here and the game will hit fans like a hollow point bullet bursting through a zip lock bag full of KY Jelly, rancid mayonnaise and skag vomit. However, much like the first game, Borderlands 2 really sings and is best when playing co-operatively, mainly with a couple friends. That is not to say that going it single-player is not satisfying, but it can get frustrating at times when going it solo. All told though, the game is extremely well made, funny and addictive. Is Borderlands 2 worth gamers’ hard-earned cash? Yes, it is a huge game with all the side missions thrown in, so it will provide plenty of gameplay hours. In addition, those with a few friends who have copies will have some great replay going through the game in co-op. Besides, where else does a crazy robot sidekick give players his latest dubstep rendition?

The Campus, scoreless.

This game just took everything great , besides driving, from the first Borderlands and put it on a much larger scale. This is a proper sequel that builds upon the comedic madness of the original trip to Pandora.

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