AtomicGamer’s Top 10 Games of 2008

AtomicGamer is the latest website to rank their ten favorite video games of 2008, with this particular list mentioning Fable II, Fallout 3, and World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King.

Fable 2 was Microsoft’s big RPG flagship title this year, and lead developer Peter Molyneux delivered on his promises this time – or at least, unlike the first game, he delivered on enough of them to make people focus on the good stuff that was there rather than what turned up missing. With a focus on not just fighting the monsters but also living the life of a hero, Fable 2 added a quirky and unique element missing in most games of its kind. Not only will you be vanquishing evil, but you’ll also have to please your wife. The cooperative play left a bit to be desired, but whether you play it together or alone, Fable 2 was one of the best RPG experiences of 2008.

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