Akaneiro: Demon Hunters Kickstarter Updates #10-17, $86,600 and Counting

The folks at Spicy Horse have been putting out updates for Akaneiro: Demon Hunters’ Kickstarter steadily, and while most of the updates seem to cover stuff such as new reward tiers and Alice: Madness Returns, a few also cover the actual almost-completed game.

But without further ado, here are the links to the updates: Update 10, Update 11, Update 12, Update 13, Update 14, Update 15, Update 16, Update 17.

And a snip from the latest update:

At nearly 45% of our goal and with 16 days remaining – it looks like the campaign could come in just over (or under!) the wire. Things are a little quiet these days, seems we’re in the eye of the Kickstarter hurricane. But with a lot more press coverage on the way; the game’s official launch on SpicyWorld, Steam and Kongregate next week; and more collectible rewards in store, we should be alright. At least I hope so! Did I mention the risk of Japanese demons flooding the earth if we don’t hit our target? Probably should have put that in the main goals for the campaign. Kotaku’s going to have a field day with that. “American McGee causes destruction of Earth!” Great.

Let’s not think about the demon apocalypse. Instead, let’s focus on the positive! For instance, the Open Beta period has been extended all the way through to launch. We’d thought about taking the game offline for a week prior to Final launch, but with all the traffic being generated by the campaign, Steam announcement and press, we’ve decided to keep the servers online all the way up till launch. If you’ve not already tried out the game, why not Zoidberg? You can play via web browser or a downloadable client (PC and Mac), all options being available here: www.angry-red.com

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