Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures Wins E3 Award

GameSpot has announced the winners of their “Best of E3” awards, with Funcom’s Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures receiving the “Best Massively Multiplayer Online Game” award. An excerpt:

Games like EverQuest, EverQuest II, Dark Age of Camelot, and especially World of Warcraft have all carved out loyal audiences for themselves. So how can a new online game make a name for itself? Age of Conan’s approach is apparently to go big on ambition by attempting to model a huge, highly detailed world based on author Robert E. Howard’s classic fantasy hero–a huge world that will be single-player as well as multiplayer. That’s right, in addition to being a massively multiplayer online game, it will also feature a sizable 20-hour single-player game that will get you started in the world. You’ll actually advance your character from levels 1 through 20 with the single-player game, and if you’re satisfied with it, you can call it quits (or restart the single-player game with a different character).

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