Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures Retrospective

With Age of Conan celebrating its second anniversary and Rise of the Godslayer on store shelves, Massively felt it was a pretty good time to put together a retrospective for Funcom’s fantasy MMORPG. In it, they primarily cover the additions and improvements that have been made to the game since its May 2008 launch:

The most important additions to the game, though not the most visible to the casual observer, are the sweeping changes made to RPG mechanics and itemization. Those of you who played at launch and through the summer of 2008 will remember an item system that bared little resemblance to traditional MMORPGs, as it rarely mattered what weapons or equipment your character possessed. The early game’s combat was an exercise in mastering the newfangled combo system and little else, as the differences between, say, a level 20 dagger and a level 70 dagger were minimal.

A noteworthy, if somewhat controversial addition to the game is a system of offline leveling. Active subscribers receive a free character level every four days which can be assigned to any avatar on their account. Additionally, the new Alternate Advancement system in the Godslayer expansion features an offline leveling component, provided your character is level 80. These options, while sparking a bit of debate in player circles, illustrate that Funcom is committed to facilitating both casual and alternate play styles.

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