Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures Class Interview #7

Ten Ton Hammer brings us their 7th edition of the class interview series, this time taking a look at the Bear Shaman.

Ten Ton Hammer: Bear Shaman seem to be a completely new twist on the standard healing class equation. Do you feel that the Bear Shaman will be one of the more popular classes, least popular, or will they simply fall in the middle of the road of popularity?

Evan: I feel that the Bear Shaman will eventually become a reasonably popular class, however it is not one I would consider “easy” to play, per se. To play a Bear Shaman well, one must be extremely active and have very keen situational awareness. Due to this, I have a hunch it is one of those classes that will grow on people over time as they become more comfortable with the game’s intricacies.

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